Aaron Megaw
Aaron Megaw
Director & Real Estate Agent
Strzelecki Realty
LinkedInAgency profile

Aaron Megaw

About Aaron Megaw

As the lead sales agent at Strzelecki Realty my strengths include being an excellent listener and strong communicator, and my compassion for people shines through in how I support both home sellers and buyers, when listing and purchasing a home.

First home buyers often need a little extra attention and support to get themselves into a position financially and emotionally to purchase, and I am more than willing to guide them if that helps get a sale over the line for my clients, and a dream home secured for the incoming party.

Revelling in the opportunity to take in the beautiful countryside, as I travel around the three shires of La Trobe, Baw Baw and South Gippsland, I’ve come to know Victoria’s east like the back of my hand. My familiarity with a wide variety of homes, from off the plan developments, cute or historical cottages, to the larger hobby farms and acreages – my finger is on the pulse of the property market.

As co-director of Strzelecki Realty, I thoroughly enjoy supporting home sellers, investors and buyers. Covering the shires of La Trobe, Baw Baw and South Gippsland, I don’t believe I’ll ever tire of real estate, or living and working in the countryside.

With a keen understanding of east Victoria’s property market, as well as the many different styles of homes on offer, I can confidently predict a property price for my clients. Having a value for your current home is especially important when you’re upgrading or rightsizing to your next.

As an experienced sales agent, good listener and strong negotiator I not only find people that are a good match for your home, but are willing to pay the right price. I’m especially skilled at selling the virtues of a property to an active buyer who hasn't yet seen or considered your home. This speeds up the sales process and creates a happy win-win situation for everyone involved.

On many occasions I not only help my clients sell their home but also locate a suitable property to become their next. I match properties for first home buyers, investors, support people downgrading in preparation for retirement or transitioning to a larger property.

There are times when the owner prefers to sell privately without bringing attention to the transaction. In these situations, I will approach buyers from my vast network of contacts and exhaust all off-market avenues ahead of a public campaign.

My reputation as a hard-working, reliable and transparent real estate sales professional sees me receive repeat business from previous clients and many referrals to friends and family members. I’m even the trusted agent for another out-of-area agent that’s invested in and sold properties in our region. There’s no better compliment than having a peer engage your help!

I’m lucky to have had many clients become friends and friends become clients. Property has been a fantastic way to become involved in helping our community and I absolutely love seeing people find their dream home.

If you’d like help selling, investing in or buying a property in Victoria’s east, please do not hesitate to give me a call.

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Aaron Megaw's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leasedno data
Properties Soldno data
no data
In the past 12 months Aaron Megaw's commercial property listings have been focused across VIC, specifically in the Gippsland Greater Region and the suburbs of Budgeree.
Top performed suburbs
Budgeree, VIC 3870
Top categories
Rural / Farming
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from commercialrealestate.com.au

Aaron Megaw's Listings

Aaron Megaw is located at 77 Princes Highway, Trafalgar VIC 3824. They have 1 property for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
1050 whitelaws track,budgeree, VIC 3870
49.78 ha
Rural / Farming