Angela Carmichael
Angela Carmichael
Real Estate Agent & Principal Licensee
Big River Real Estate
Agency profile

Angela Carmichael

About Angela Carmichael

Angela Carmichael's (nee Walker) drive to run her own business and lead a successful team was first sparked when she was attending Deniliquin High School. Afternoons and weekends in her senior years were spent studying and working as a trainee at newly established Big River Real Estate instilling a strong work ethic that still guides her today as now owner of the business and in her role as sale agent.

Angela has enjoyed well over a decade of success in the local Deniliquin real estate market successfully negotiating hundreds of residential and commercial sale transactions and growing Big Rivers property management portfolio (now overseen by three permanent property managers) into the strong business it is today.

She is incredibly proud of the successes enjoyed by Big River vendors and investors and understands that to be a great leader, you need to lead from the front and that is exactly where you will find her today.

Angela's strong local rapport combined with her attention to detail, professionalism and thorough knowledge of the local market ensures that her clients share a distinct advantage and competitive edge in every transaction.

A highly respected top performer of the Deniliquin real estate market Angela has an honest and professional approach to all matters both working within and on the business, always acting with focus on her clients best interests, communicating with clarity and embracing transparency.

Angela is highly commended by her past clients but don’t just take our word for it, head to our ‘reviews’ and see what recent clients have had to say of their experiences with Ange at Big River.

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Angela Carmichael's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Angela Carmichael's commercial property listings have been focused across NSW, specifically in the Murray Region and the suburbs of Deniliquin.
Top performed suburbs
Deniliquin, NSW 2710
Top categories
Shop & Retail
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Angela Carmichael's Listings

Angela Carmichael is located at 394 Cressy Street, Deniliquin NSW 2710. They have sold 1 property, as well as have 1 property for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
337 cressy street,deniliquin, NSW 2710
82 m²