Ben Jones

Ben Jones's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leasedno data
Properties Soldno data
no data
In the past 12 months Ben Jones's commercial property listings have been focused across SA, specifically in the South and the suburbs of Dismal Swamp, Compton, Wye.
Top performed suburbs
Dismal Swamp, SA 5291
Compton, SA 5291
Wye, SA 5291
Top categories
Rural / Farming
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Ben Jones's Listings

Ben Jones and co is located at 53 Church Street, Penola SA 5277. They have 3 properties for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
117 aci rd,wye, SA 5291
129.5 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
lot 459 riddoch hwy,dismal swamp, SA 5291
36.83 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
68 mcnamara park rd,compton, SA 5291
139.6 ha
Rural / Farming