Benjamin Armstrong
Benjamin Armstrong
Bromley Real Estate
LinkedInAgency profile

Benjamin Armstrong

About Benjamin Armstrong

Managing Director of Bromley Real Estate, Ben's expertise in the city's property industry extends back some 30 years.

Qualified in Property Valuation from the University of Queensland, Ben is a second-generation property specialist who has worked in every facet of the property industry.

Starting his career in the late 1980s - a challenging marketplace for vendors and landlords in the wake of the preceding boom - Ben has guided clients through several property cycles as a trusted advisor in selling, leasing, and managing residential, industrial, office, and retail assets.

Ben oversees the management of client investment portfolios which extend from inner-city apartments to warehouses in greenfield corridors across an integrated team. Providing a cross-sector service 'under the one roof' allows investors greater efficiency and accessibility in the management of their diverse portfolios. His reputation for premium results has built long-serving relationships with private and publicly-listed entities including Evans Harch, Winning Appliances, The Distributors, Delfin, Stockland, Australand, The Gorman Group, Woolworths, Birite, Caltex, and 7-11.

As Managing Director, Mr Armstrong works closely will all his sales and property management specialists in managing LJ Hooker Brisbane City Residential's valued customers.

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Benjamin Armstrong's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased50%
Properties Sold50%
In the past 12 months Benjamin Armstrong's commercial property listings have been focused across QLD, specifically in the South East Queensland Greater Region and the suburbs of Loganholme, Moorooka, Beenleigh.
Top performed suburbs
Loganholme, QLD 4129
Moorooka, QLD 4105
Beenleigh, QLD 4207
All other suburbs
Top categories
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
Development / Land
All other categories
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Benjamin Armstrong's Listings

Benjamin Armstrong is located at 3370 Pacific Highway, Springwood QLD 4127. They have sold 3 properties and leased 3 properties, as well as have 3 properties for sale and 4 properties for lease, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
26-28 ellen street,moorooka, QLD 4105
1,060 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For SaleContact Agent
15 charles street,beenleigh, QLD 4207
321 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For SaleContact Agent
34 wyllie street,thabeban, QLD 4670
3,235 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial