Brian McMillan
About Brian McMillan
Brian McMillan is the Senior Sales Executive for Sydney City & Country Realty.
This personalised bespoke agency handles the sale of luxury residential estates and rural properties throughout NSW.
Brian’s background, from a very young age, was the Australian appointment from Rolls-Royce & Bentley Motors UK. This role was to ensure customers’ luxury assets were handed over in perfect condition and, if anything happened to these motor vehicles, Brian’s appointment was to rectify any situation to ensure this luxury car was reinstated to its new manufacturer’s condition. An enormous responsibility in taking personal care of elite clients spanned over 25 years.
Since 2010, Brian has managed the sale of many luxury estates, rural and other properties, including large commercial conglomerates for families that have had businesses set up for over 50 years.
The personalised detail that Brian offers come from all the years of training through his association with Rolls-Royce & Bentley. The referrals continue today from clients who have enjoyed the total attention to detail experience that Brian and his team offers.
Over the years Brian has created a huge network of satisfied clients who have purchased and sold luxury properties with the peace of mind that their assets are being placed in the right hands to achieve the most outstanding result possible.
Brian McMillan's Market Performance
Brian McMillan's Listings