Doug Merriman
About Doug Merriman
Doug's connection with regional and rural Australia commenced in Booroowa way too long ago, after 32 years based in Sydney and working around the world in the film production industry, Doug and his wife Ellie decided the time was right to take on the next challenge - raise our family in Bungendore and ultimately work alongside eachother at Ray White Bungendore. Since commencing full time work in real estate Doug has sold a variety of property types - homes, lifestyle properties and large and small farms, he has also become involved in the strategic marketing development and front line sales for residential and rural residential developments in Bungendore and most recently Bredbo with the completion of Silver Brumby Stage 1.It is widely recognised that buyers gain confidence in purchasing property when they are provided with credible, authentic and genuine information, in Doug's case he can discuss and educate buyers about a wide variety of property uses, stock types, weeds, fences along with seasonal issues and local challenges. Doug's enthusiasm for his farm and cows is outdone only by his cow dog, Duke. The rural connection is deep with Doug, both his Grandfathers owned and managed Merino sheep farms and this family tradition continues with connections at Yass and Booroowa to this day. Doug and Ellie ran and managed a 600+ sheep herd alongside the real estate business until 2015 before time limitations turned them toward the creation of a medium sized Angus breeding operation which today carries more than 100 cows and their prodigy. Doug's experience creates a unique mix of first hand marketing experience, problem solving and project management from his first career and a strong local knowledge with first hand rural experience after living in Bungendore for more than 20 years. Doug's successful real estate career of more than 10 years running is an expression of his life in Bungendore, its busy and vibrant and reflects an energetic rural lifestyle'. Doug holds a Class1 license in Real Estate & Class1 Stock & Station, he has also attained a Construction WhiteCard.
2022/2023 - Premier Performer
2021/2022 - Premier Performer
2021/2022 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Rural Bungendore | Cooma
2020/2021 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Bungendore
2019/2020 - Premier Performer
2016 - Premier Member (AUS)
Doug Merriman's Market Performance
Doug Merriman's Listings