Fabian Swaleh
Fabian Swaleh

Fabian Swaleh

About Fabian Swaleh

Fabian has over 20 years experience as a fully licensed property specialist, including commercial and residential sales, project marketing, advocacy (for both sellers and buyers) and property development. In recent times he has worked closely with major developers and single-property investors alike. Fabian's intimate market knowledge combined with his ability to interpret complex client briefs and offer educated advice, ensures he can deliver achievable, tailored solutions for his clients.

Fabian is consistently one of the Beaumont Property Group's highest performers and has been recognised with the Peter Beaumont Salesman of the Year award on multiple occasions. He prides himself on providing excellence in customer service and attributes his ongoing success to the long-standing relationships he has with his clients.

In recognition of his commitment and ongoing success, Fabian has been appointed General Manager of the Coutts Northwest office.

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Fabian Swaleh's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased81%
Properties Sold19%
In the past 12 months Fabian Swaleh's commercial property listings have been focused across NSW, specifically in the Sydney Region and the suburbs of Mulgrave, Castle Hill, Rouse Hill.
Top performed suburbs
Mulgrave, NSW 2756
Castle Hill, NSW 2154
Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
All other suburbs
Top categories
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
Development / Land
All other categories
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from commercialrealestate.com.au

Fabian Swaleh's Listings

Fabian Swaleh and co is located at 5.10/12 Century Circuit, Norwest NSW 2153. They have sold 5 properties and leased 22 properties, as well as have 6 properties for sale and 12 properties for lease, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
4 columbia court,norwest, NSW 2153
334 m²
For SaleContact Agent
595 withers road,rouse hill, NSW 2155
212 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For SaleContact Agent
14 loyalty road,north rocks, NSW 2151
56 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For SaleContact Agent
10-12 wingate road,mulgrave, NSW 2756
1,265 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For SaleContact Agent
1 ultimo place,marsden park, NSW 2765
3,795 m²
Development / Land
For SaleContact Agent
5 celebration drive,bella vista, NSW 2153
24 m²