Flora Yeh
Flora Yeh
Healthcare Executive

Flora Yeh

Flora Yeh's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leasedno data
Properties Soldno data
no data
In the past 12 months Flora Yeh's commercial property listings have been focused across VIC, specifically in the Melbourne Region and the suburbs of Camberwell, Charlemont, Docklands.
Top performed suburbs
Camberwell, VIC 3124
Charlemont, VIC 3217
Docklands, VIC 3008
All other suburbs
Top categories
Medical / Consulting
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from commercialrealestate.com.au

Flora Yeh's Listings

Flora Yeh and co is located at Level 2, 382 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000. They have 7 properties for lease, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For LeaseContact Agent
44 john rice avenue,elizabeth vale, SA 5112
80 - 2,000 m²
Medical / Consulting
For LeaseContact Agent
100-108 ryrie street,geelong, VIC 3220
48 - 680 m²
Medical / Consulting
For LeaseContact Agent
368-370 mount street,burnie, TAS 7320
580 m²
Medical / Consulting
For LeaseContact Agent
74-76 cottrell street,werribee, VIC 3030
150 - 1,489 m²
Medical / Consulting
For LeaseContact Agent
7 village street,docklands, VIC 3008
231 m²
Medical / Consulting
For LeaseContact Agent
187 harriott road,charlemont, VIC 3217
313 m²
Medical / Consulting