James Thompson
About James Thompson
With a skilled and dedicated team James and Luke have developed a strong reputation as top performers. They have collected numerous awards for office performance and individual performance. Ray White Thompson Partners is consistently ranked number 1 for sales on the Central Coast. Individual achievements include the prestigious "Alan White Club" and "Alan White Premier Club", Ray White's top "Elite Performer", and the highly coveted "Chief Auctioneer's Award" for excellence. Ray White Thompson Partners and the Thompson brothers have developed an enviable reputation within the real estate industry. Together they have set area records, suburb records and turnover records for project marketing. James and Luke are locals. They have an intimate knowledge of the local marketplace. Importantly they have an intimate and detailed knowledge of the sale and marketing process. Put simply, they know how to obtain the best result for you. This knowledge has provided thousands of local clients with premium results.
When dealing with James and Luke Thompson you engage professional agents with a reputation for Integrity and Results.
James Thompson's Market Performance
James Thompson's Listings