Jarrad Grierson
Jarrad Grierson

Jarrad Grierson

Jarrad Grierson's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Jarrad Grierson's commercial property listings have been focused across WA, specifically in the Perth Metropolitan - Southern Suburbs and the suburbs of Kenwick, High Wycombe, Hazelmere.
Top performed suburbs
Kenwick, WA 6107
High Wycombe, WA 6057
Hazelmere, WA 6055
All other suburbs
Top categories
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from commercialrealestate.com.au

Jarrad Grierson's Listings

Jarrad Grierson and co is located at Level 25/250 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000. They have sold 4 properties, as well as have 8 properties for lease, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For LeaseContact Agent
189 & 190 adelaide street,hazelmere, WA 6055
3,000 - 15,000 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
2 clifford street,maddington, WA 6109
12,500 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
part lot 72 coldwell road,kenwick, WA 6107
40,119 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
part lot 71 courtney place,kenwick, WA 6107
13,730 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
160 adelaide st,high wycombe, WA 6057
10,039 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
19 courtney place,kenwick, WA 6107
12,400 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial