John Blacklow

John Blacklow's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months John Blacklow's commercial property listings have been focused across TAS, specifically in the Hobart & Southern Region and the suburbs of Swansea, Port Arthur, Mole Creek.
Top performed suburbs
Swansea, TAS 7190
Port Arthur, TAS 7182
Mole Creek, TAS 7304
All other suburbs
Top categories
Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
Shop & Retail
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

John Blacklow's Listings

John Blacklow and co is located at 5 Victoria Street, Hobart TAS 7000. They have sold 2 properties, as well as have 9 properties for sale and 1 property for lease, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
10b bangalee street,lauderdale, TAS 7021
204 m²
Shop & Retail
For SaleContact Agent
1599 nubeena road,nubeena, TAS 7184
611 m²
Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
For SaleContact Agent
138 collins street,hobart, TAS 7000
2,776 m²
Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
For SaleContact Agent
5 - 13 scotchtown road,smithton, TAS 7330
5,396 m²
Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
For SaleContact Agent
90 pioneer drive,mole creek, TAS 7304
6,475 m²
Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
For SaleContact Agent
12 addison street,swansea, TAS 7190
440 m²
Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure