Lloyd Nunn
About Lloyd Nunn
Lloyd came to Australia from the UK in 2006 looking for a change. On arrival he could not find a decent pint so decided to buy a bar in the CBD to rectify the situation. After a couple of years and suitably refreshed it was time to sell the venue and he came across CRE Brokers. They did a great job and sold the venue and then proceeded to find another much larger place for Lloyd. The issue then was that Lloyd seemed to know more about the venues history, licences and operation than the vendors had offered as information. So this lead to a discussion and offer to work for CRE. Two years learning the ropes part time, then offloading his last venue in St Kilda Lloyd has now been brokering for CRE for another two years. His “patch” is the CBD and the inner suburbs ideally on a tram line so that he can’t get lost. His specific market of bars, clubs and hotels are detailed in a sister website to CRE at barsalesmelbourne.com.au and by checking that site you’ll see that there is plenty on offer and details of Lloyd’s many successful sales.