Louise Wallace
About Louise Wallace
My family and I have been an intricate part of the Kingborough Community for over 60 years, all starting off with my parents establishing and owning Wallace Bros Poultry Farm.
My older brothers followed in their footsteps and also established their own respective businesses within the area.
Being raised in the Kingborough area, I have certainly seen substantial changes and the significant growth within the area. People now want to be part of our piece of Paradise!
I currently reside in the area with my husband and family, while enjoying a game of bowls at our local Bowls Centre.
In the last five years, I have had the pleasure to work in the “other side” of Real Estate, in Conveyancing, this has provided me with what I believe is a solid foundation to take the step, join the Real Estate Industry and confidently promote Stone Southern Tasmania to our communities.
Combining this with over 30 years of experience in Client Management, along with my ability to connect with clients building long standing relationships and networks, I look forward to sharing my local knowledge and local experience of the area to all.
Louise Wallace's Market Performance
Louise Wallace's Listings