Luke Hutt
Luke Hutt
Property Sales Consultant
Elders Real Estate Normanville - RLA 62833
LinkedInAgency profile

Luke Hutt

About Luke Hutt

Luke is almost a local with 30 years living in the district! He has spent much of his childhood growing up on and around the Fleurieu Peninsula’s hills, towns and beaches, enjoying all the beauty and nature that surrounds us. Luke also has many years business experience in the district, going out on his own after completing his trade apprenticeship at 20 years of age with a local builder. He managed to keep very busy with referral business only and after improving houses for so long, it feels like a natural progression to be moving on to selling them. Luke has a good eye for detail and is always keen to offer his help and advice.

Luke’s up beat energetic personality helps him to prove that we are living in the premier lifestyle location in South Australia. His authentic belief that this is one of the best places in the world to live, pervades all his daily interactions and enthuses those around him.

Luke lives and owns locally in Normanville; he and his wife Brooke are raising a young family of three kids; Toby, Flynn and Olivia. This has seen Luke and the family become involved in all facets of local sport and the community. As an active member of the local Yankalilla Area School Council, Luke is always striving to make our community stronger.

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Luke Hutt's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Luke Hutt's commercial property listings have been focused across SA, specifically in the South and the suburbs of Yankalilla, Wattle Flat.
Top performed suburbs
Yankalilla, SA 5203
Wattle Flat, SA 5203
Top categories
Rural / Farming
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Luke Hutt's Listings

Luke Hutt is located at Shop 1/91 Main Street, Normanville SA 5204. They have sold 1 property, as well as have 2 properties for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
97 main south road,yankalilla, SA 5203
258 m²
For SaleContact Agent
lot 1044 salt creek road,yankalilla, SA 5203
32.3 ha
Rural / Farming