Mal Charlwood
Mal Charlwood
Sales Agent and Auctioneer
Ray White Townsville
LinkedInAgency profile

Mal Charlwood

About Mal Charlwood

As an accredited member of the REIQ (Real Estate Institute of Queensland) I have nearly 40 years’ experience in the Real Estate industry. Specialising in many facets including Property Development and Construction, Finance, Sales, and Buyer's Agent purchases. I’ve been an Auctioneer for 15 years and have sold property on behalf of several Government Departments. I believe that listening is a big part of being a successful Agent, my motto is "If I can I will." No task or effort should be too much to offer to obtain 100% client satisfaction.

Selling from the Beach to the Bush, contact me anytime for all your property needs.

Mal Charlwood's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Mal Charlwood's commercial property listings have been focused across QLD, specifically in the North Queensland Greater Region and the suburbs of Majors Creek, Woodstock.
Top performed suburbs
Majors Creek, QLD 4816
Woodstock, QLD 4816
Top categories
Rural / Farming
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Mal Charlwood's Listings

Mal Charlwood is located at 514 Sturt Street, Townsville City QLD 4810. They have sold 1 property, as well as have 1 property for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
8 maconachies road,majors creek, QLD 4816
8.07 ha
Rural / Farming