Malcolm Condie
Malcolm Condie

Malcolm Condie

About Malcolm Condie

Malcolm brings decades of experience in rural and rural lifestyle property sales and a reputation for excellence in customer service. His knowledge and proactive approach will ensure you get maximum value for your property.

Malcolm Condie's Market Performance

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Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
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Malcolm Condie's Listings

Malcolm Condie and co is located at 270 Latrobe Terrace, Newtown VIC 3220. They have sold 2 properties, as well as have 3 properties for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
649 lonies road,shelford, VIC 3329
256 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
4 shelford-mt mercer road,shelford, VIC 3329
194 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
141 bamganie road,bamganie, VIC 3333
88.4 ha
Rural / Farming