Mark Mudford
About Mark Mudford
Based in Dubbo, Mark Mudford is a Sales Executive in LAWD’s Agribusiness Transactions Team. With 15 years’ experience working across agricultural, business and marketing sectors, Mark brings a variety of professional expertise to the LAWD team.
Mark’s deep connection to the agricultural industry and rural and regional communities was established at a young age growing up in a farming family from Central West New South Wales. Early in his career, Mark spent three years in the Northern Territory and Queensland on cattle stations as a station hand, working his way up to head stockman, before heading to the United States where he gained knowledge in contract farming and heavy haulage.
On returning home to Australia, he started his own fertiliser and transport business before purchasing his first rural property in 2015. It is these invaluable experiences that allow Mark to understand the challenges and opportunities associated with business and property ownership, and better relate to vendors and clients he works with.
Mark Mudford's Market Performance
Mark Mudford's Listings