Mike Whelan
About Mike Whelan
With over thirty years in sales leadership and a Bachelor of Business, Mike Whelan has experienced life as a consultant, design manager, construction project manager, general manager of a global public company and a property investor. Mike’s background in property, his commercial approach learnt across local and international environments, and his broad networks bring a dynamic breadth of experience to the sales team at Drew Lindsay Real Estate.
A long-time owner of a horse and cattle property at Fitzroy Falls, Mike has spent years involved in developing real estate projects of his own and understands every aspect of optimising your property journey and the sales process. Mike’s key to success is relationship building – he’s a good listener and terrific communicator. His persistence, business acumen and strong personal networks mean the sale of your property is in safe and skilled hands.
Mike’s passion for the outdoors as a frustrated golfer, cyclist or hacking around on horses is matched only by his interest in cattle breeding and his love of the Southern Highlands property landscape. He is always happy to talk about the market and how to make the most of your property, whether you’re ready to sell now, or if you’re simply interested in hearing advice from a trusted source who is willing to go on the journey with you.
Mike Whelan's Market Performance
Mike Whelan's Listings