Nick Myer
Nick Myer
State Real Estate Manager - Victoria/Riverina

Nick Myer

About Nick Myer

Nick is based in Melbourne and leads Elders’ rural real estates eastern seaboard operations. He is an accomplished rural sales executive and licensed valuer and holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Science. Nick is consistently involved in some of the largest rural real estate transactions on the eastern seaboard and deals with an extensive network of local and foreign agricultural land investors, including corporate and family offices, fund managers, and primary production operators.

Nick Myer's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Nick Myer's commercial property listings have been focused across VIC, specifically in the Northern Victoria and the suburbs of Table Top, Buffalo, Wymah.
Top performed suburbs
Table Top, NSW 2640
Buffalo, VIC 3958
Wymah, NSW 2640
All other suburbs
Top categories
Rural / Farming
Development / Land
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Nick Myer's Listings

Nick Myer and co is located at Level 36, 55 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000. They have sold 6 properties, as well as have 33 properties for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
3551 princes highway,weerite, VIC 3260
214.93 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
null donaldson street,corryong, VIC 3707
10.27 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
198 tragowel road,tragowel, VIC 3579
221.41 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
75 greenhills road,greendale, VIC 3341
73.65 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
85 and 85a tices road,omeo, VIC 3898
609.67 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
- jingellic road,lankeys creek, NSW 2644
375.88 ha
Rural / Farming