Nina Adams
Nina Adams

Nina Adams

About Nina Adams

I established the franchise Century 21 in Wynnum in December 1993 and with a strong sales background have been "selling" Wynnum / Manly Real Estate for the past 33 years. I live in the area and have renovated several houses. My hobbies include gardening, reading, fishing and travelling. For expert advice about any aspect of Real Estate there is always time for a chat by phone or Email or do drop in for a cuppa.

Nina Adams's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leasedno data
Properties Soldno data
no data
In the past 12 months Nina Adams's commercial property listings have been focused across QLD, specifically in the South East Queensland Greater Region and the suburbs of Wynnum.
Top performed suburbs
Wynnum, QLD 4178
Top categories
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Nina Adams's Listings

Nina Adams and co is located at 158 Bay Terrace, Wynnum QLD 4178. They have 1 property for lease, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For LeaseContact Agent
124 florence street,wynnum, QLD 4178
61 m²