Peter Reitano
Peter Reitano
Felix Reitano Real Estate
Agency profile

Peter Reitano

About Peter Reitano

Peter, (Felix the 4th) - is ready to assist clients with their Real Estate needs in the town, beach and out-of-town homes. He has been a General Auctioneer since 1995 & a Real Estate Agent since 1996. Peter continues to do his best for Sellers to sell their property and for Buyers to find the property that suits them !

Peter Reitano's Market Performance

Business for Sale
Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Peter Reitano's commercial property listings have been focused across QLD, specifically in the North Queensland Greater Region and the suburbs of Bemerside, Trebonne, Yuruga.
Top performed suburbs
Bemerside, QLD 4850
Trebonne, QLD 4850
Yuruga, QLD 4850
All other suburbs
Top categories
Rural / Farming
Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Peter Reitano's Listings

Peter Reitano is located at 109 Cartwright Street, Ingham QLD 4850. They have sold 3 properties, as well as have 8 properties for sale and 4 business for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
1 - 3 stone river road,trebonne, QLD 4850
550 m²
Hotel, Motel, Pub & Leisure
For SaleContact Agent
null nebbias road,yuruga, QLD 4850
80 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
null scovazzis road,toobanna, QLD 4850
8.09 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
null bosworths road,blackrock, QLD 4850
4.07 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
null larkins road,helens hill, QLD 4850
144.1 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
260 taylors beach road,halifax, QLD 4850
190 ha
Rural / Farming