Rob Hall
About Rob Hall
Rob is the current owner of Killarney Real Estate and a Sales Associate with @realty.
Rob has a long history of involvement in business, sport and volunteering.
Rob, and his wife Bev, owned property at Meandarra before moving to Buderim with interests in hardware. Rob and Bev then bought 2 Real Estate Agencies in Buderim.
Those interests in Buderim Real Estate were then sold in order for Rob and Bev to move to Killarney in 2012. Killarney Real Estate was re-established nearly 3 years ago and has a high profile in the area.
Sport has always had a high priority in Rob's livelihood. After 40 years of Rugby refereeing, from grade in Brisbane to grade in Warwick, Golf is now his priority.
While at Buderim, Rob was a keen member of Buderim Historical Society (President for a time), Eric Foote Sanctuary volunteer and a member of the Buderim War Memorial Community Association.
In Killarney, Rob is President of Killarney Historical Society, a member of Killarney Area Promotions, as well as Killarney and Tannnymorel Bowls Clubs, and Convenor of the Killarney Golf Club.
Rob Hall's Market Performance
Rob Hall's Listings