Robbie McRae
About Robbie McRae
Rob has spent his life in the local area, enjoying the close community lifestyle and camaraderie. Growing up, he attended Alstonville Primary School and has also raised his own family in Alstonville.
Rob has successfully been involved in the sales industry for most of his working life and strives to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction with his "can do" attitude. "I think good customer service is as easy as always treating clients the way I like to be treated."
Rob specializes in Rural and Residential sales.
Top Auction Lister - 2019 Winner
Top Auction Lister - 2018 Runner Up
Top Income Producer - 2018 Runner Up
Most Improved Individual Commission - 2018 Winner
Most Improved Number of Sales - 2016 Runner Up
Most Improved Income Producer - 2015 Runner Up
Best New Talent - 2014 Winner
Robbie McRae's Market Performance
Robbie McRae's Listings