Sarah Barney
Sarah Barney
Residential Sales Representative

Sarah Barney

About Sarah Barney

With over 20 years’ sales experience in various sales industries & 14+ years’ experience in real-estate Sarah would love to help you with your sales journey. Sarah is aware of the importance of the people and the relationships that are built through every transaction. Sarah has the proven ability to form strong, long-term relationships which are built on trust and results with the key component for success being communication. Sarah has lived in the Lower South East for over 35 years and proudly calls it home. With Sarah’s love for people she is energized by helping others and is involved with local charities and fundraising for the local community projects and initiatives. Sarah would absolutely love to help you sell or buy your home, commercial property or business, using her knowledge and network to help you get the best result possible. With proven success, please let Sarah show you how she can assist with your next transaction.

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Sarah Barney's Market Performance

Business for Sale
Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Sarah Barney's commercial property listings have been focused across SA, specifically in the South and the suburbs of Mount Gambier, Glencoe.
Top performed suburbs
Mount Gambier, SA 5290
Glencoe, SA 5291
Top categories
Rural / Farming
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Sarah Barney's Listings

Sarah Barney and co is located at 9 Bay Road, Mount Gambier SA 5290. They have sold 2 properties, as well as have 1 property for sale and 1 business for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
11 mile hill road,glencoe, SA 5291
32.37 ha
Rural / Farming