Simon Cook
About Simon Cook
Simon Cook has recently joined the team at First National Real Estate McColms. Simon is a qualified chef and cabinet maker and has worked in many areas of property ie tiling, house stumping and also worked with Electrodry.
Simon is a single dad of 5 kids, he had a car crash in the past which impaired him from continuing working in the trades, but instead of giving up, he chose to prove to his children that you can better oneself no matter what is thrown at you.
Simon is a passionate person and whatever he puts his hand too, he excels. In his spare time, he loves camping and 4 x 4 driving, when he gets some down time.
If you want a Salesperson that isn't only just good at sales, but has a lot of knowledge about property, then give Simon a call.
Great to have you onboard Simon and a welcome addition to the team.
Simon Cook's Market Performance
Simon Cook's Listings