Su Reynolds
About Su Reynolds
If you’ve ever looked for, or sold property in our Byron Shire, there is every chance you’ve met Su. She is known for her professionalism, honesty and integrity and her knowledge in North Coast real estate is second to none.
Growing up in Wardell on her family’s sugar cane farms, Su made the leap into the traditionally male-oriented real estate industry straight from school with steadfast determination. Over 30 years later, she is one of Australia’s top performing agents with multiple state and national awards for her results. Most recently these include 2023 #2 and 2022 #1 Agent in Australia in the First National Network and 2021 and 2022 “Rate My Agent” Agent of the year for Byron Bay.
As a Director of Byron Bay First National, she has been instrumental in positioning the company as the leading agency in Byron Shire. Known for her outstanding care and service to her clients, incredible attention to detail, her work ethic and with this much experience she is a highly skilled negotiator. Whilst Su has a team working alongside her she is hands on with every step of the campaign and oversees every detail.
Su can’t imagine holding a nine-to-five office job. While her hours are long, they’re also flexible, meaning she can be on call any day of the week to those who need her most; sellers, buyers, husband or two kids!
As for her biggest professional achievement, Su secures over 90 percent of her property listings from past clients and recommendations.
When she’s not running to the office, new property, phone, auction or open inspection, Su can be spotted walking the lighthouse, on the beach with her dog, catching up with friends or heading away for a family camping trip and equally loves travelling overseas.
She gets the value of hard work and is loved by colleagues, clients and friends for her honesty, integrity and love of community. You can trust her to call it as it is and do what it takes to get the best result for your property.
Discover why Su’s clients are her biggest advocates.
Su Reynolds's Market Performance
Su Reynolds's Listings