Tammy Kruger
About Tammy Kruger
Tammy Kruger is the Property Manager and Salesperson for Main Street Realty, Her outgoing and organized personality helps her to shine in the industry. She continues to think outside the box which always brings new and exciting aspects to the company. She continues to study through REIQ, updating her career
development qualifications. This keeps her fresh in the industry and up to date with changes in legislation.
In her time off she enjoys spending quality time with her husband and children on their property, where they enjoy motor bike riding and spending time with friends.
Tammy has a vast amount of experience due to her buying, selling and investing in her own homes and growing up in the area. She has a reputation for her firm but fair and most of all honest dealings in the business.
Tammy Kruger's Market Performance
Tammy Kruger's Listings