Tim Paxton
Tim Paxton

Tim Paxton

Tim Paxton's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leasedno data
Properties Soldno data
no data
In the past 12 months Tim Paxton's commercial property listings have been focused across NSW, specifically in the Sydney Region and the suburbs of Sydney Olympic Park, Lidcombe, Chullora.
Top performed suburbs
Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127
Lidcombe, NSW 2141
Chullora, NSW 2190
All other suburbs
Top categories
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
Development / Land
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from commercialrealestate.com.au

Tim Paxton's Listings

Tim Paxton and co is located at Suite 2.07, Quad 2/6 Parkview Drive, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127. They have 6 properties for lease, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For LeaseContact Agent
4 brunker road,chullora, NSW 2190
941 - 1,172 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
2b hill road,lidcombe, NSW 2141
1 ha
Development / Land
For LeaseContact Agent
10 stanley street,silverwater, NSW 2128
344 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
3 figtree drive,sydney olympic park, NSW 2127
361 - 3,013 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
5 parkview drive,sydney olympic park, NSW 2127
4,077 m²
Factory, Warehouse & Industrial
For LeaseContact Agent
1 herb elliot avenue,sydney olympic park, NSW 2127
98 m²