Trent Shorland
Trent Shorland
Harcourts Adelaide Hills Mt Barker
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Trent Shorland

About Trent Shorland

As a Director of the Mt Barker Real Estate Agency and heading the Property Management division, Trent has lived his entire life in the area in which he specialises, Trent Shorland brings a uniquely personal perspective to clients in the Hahndorf, Mt Barker and surrounding areas which make up a large part of the Adelaide Hills.

Trent’s enthusiasm for the area and a wealth of local knowledge is of tremendous value to his customers. “It’s the quality of life here that appeals to people as well as a great community spirit,” says Trent. “And it’s a lifestyle I can identify with because I live where they do.” In fact, Trent thrives on the responsibility of achieving exceptional results for the local community as well as in his real estate business, and considers overcoming market challenges as one of the most rewarding aspects of his career. “There will always be challenges,” he says. “But that makes the outcome all the more satisfying and it’s immensely rewarding to be part of a process that helps people achieve their goal.”

Trent’s friendly, genuine persona is matched by a determination to deliver exceptional quality service, while his ethical approach and excellent negotiation skills inspire clients with confidence and remove any trepidation when it comes to entrusting Trent with the handling of their most treasured asset.

Trent Shorland is committed to ongoing industry training and self-development, and is a strong believer of core values and market leadership within his Team. “I’m a firm believer that attention to the smaller things often has the biggest impact on the final outcome,” says Trent. It’s a philosophy that’s provided a platform where Trent’s outstanding results speak for themselves.

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Trent Shorland's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Trent Shorland's commercial property listings have been focused across SA, specifically in the South and the suburbs of Cape Jervis, Murray Bridge, Mylor.
Top performed suburbs
Cape Jervis, SA 5204
Murray Bridge, SA 5253
Mylor, SA 5153
Top categories
Rural / Farming
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from

Trent Shorland's Listings

Trent Shorland is located at 58 Gawler St, Mount Barker SA 5251. They have sold 2 properties, as well as have 2 properties for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
8-12 bridge street,murray bridge, SA 5253
1,390 m²
For SaleContact Agent
lots 1474 & 10 bennett road,cape jervis, SA 5204
110.48 ha
Rural / Farming