Wade Clarke
Wade Clarke
Real Estate Agent

Wade Clarke

About Wade Clarke

After growing up in Sydney, and spending some time on the Mid North Coast. Wade moved to Orange with his wife and two young boys, now calling Molong and Orange home.

With 26 years of sales experience and knowledge, Wade’s people skills are second to none, seeing him continually meeting and exceeding client's expectations. He is exceedingly involved in his local community, coaching both local and representative kid's sport. With a love of meeting and talking with new people, Wade is highly motived to make sure all needs are met and goes above and beyond expectations to achieve these results. With his passion for Real Estate, Wade is a great fit to our experienced team.

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Wade Clarke's Market Performance

Properties Sold
Properties for Sale
Properties Leased
Properties for Lease
Properties Leased0%
Properties Sold100%
In the past 12 months Wade Clarke's commercial property listings have been focused across NSW, specifically in the Central West Region and the suburbs of Manildra, Mandagery, Molong.
Top performed suburbs
Manildra, NSW 2865
Mandagery, NSW 2870
Molong, NSW 2866
Top categories
Rural / Farming
Showrooms / Bulky Goods
*Market performance is based on prior 12 months data from commercialrealestate.com.au

Wade Clarke's Listings

Wade Clarke and co is located at 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800. They have sold 2 properties, as well as have 2 properties for sale, all of which are on Commercial Real Estate.
For SaleContact Agent
501 mandagery road,mandagery, NSW 2870
235.93 ha
Rural / Farming
For SaleContact Agent
43 kiewa street,manildra, NSW 2865
1,391 m²
Showrooms / Bulky Goods