Wayne and Christine Fewtrell
About Wayne and Christine Fewtrell
Real Estate has proved to be the most rewarding and fulfilling career we have had. Over the past 12 years we have met and helped hundreds of great people with their Real Estate transactions and sold properties in all areas of our much loved Gympie district.
Wayne has lived in Gympie his whole life and Christine has been coming to Gympie to visit family friends for most of her life until moving here permanently in her early 20’s. We have raised our family on our cattle, cropping and forest property in Veteran.
Having extensive knowledge of farming, soils, pastures and trees has helped Wayne immensely in this business and he happily share this knowledge with our clients. Christine has a vast knowledge of administration and property management experience to ensure all aspects of the legislative requirements of buying and selling are complied with and has local knowledge of our area. We both hold Full Real Estate Licences and are experienced in all aspects of Real Estate from residential homes, rural and lifestyle properties through to developments, commercial and businesses.
Our warm, calm, frank personalities and love of meeting people has certainly helped us build a large network of contacts in this area and beyond, which all assist you in buying or selling a property.
Please feel free to contact us for a FREE, no nonsense, honest market appraisal and we’ll help get your property SOLD for the highest price possible.
Wayne and Christine Fewtrell's Market Performance
Wayne and Christine Fewtrell's Listings