Phone enquiries - please quote property ID 14884.
Top of the Whitsundays
Home of the Bowen Mango
The ONLY professional tree lopping/Arborist in the area with plenty of room for expansion.
Included in the sale is a vast list of well-maintained and up to date machinery listed below
23 metre Tracess E.W.P. on trailer
25 metre Cela EWP on trailer
2017 Bandit 1890 Woodchipper
2015 Bandit 1590 Woodchipper
2010 Hino 4x4 truck with Aluminum chip bin
2 x 2017 Hino 500 1022 Tipper with 10m3 with Aluminum chip bin
2018 Bandit Stump grinder on Aluminum Plant trailer
Automated Chipper knife sharpener
Zero turn mower
Whipper snippers
Large inventory of Chain Saws, Tools and Spare Parts
Assorted small plant
The owner of this business is ready to retire.
The business has been successfully operating in this region for 34 years with a large client base including Local Council, Q Build, Real Estate, Schools, Railway, Caravan Parks and regular private clients.
The ONLY professional Tree Maintenance Company in the area, with plenty of room for expansion. The ONLY supplier of Bulk Mulch in the area.
Currently employing 7 people who are prepared to remain with business when sold.
Accounting figures available to genuine buyers.
An opportunity to live and work in the Climate Capital of Australia.
All the hard work has been done, leaving established and well known phone numbers and advertising .
Selling business only, no land included in sale.
You wont be disappointed !
DISCLAIMER No Agent Business ( is an Australian For Sale By Owner website operating since 1999. We proudly assist business owners who are looking to sell their own business without paying any broker commission. While every care has been taken to verify the accuracy of the details in this advertisement, the correctness cannot be guaranteed.