Owned by the local Vietnamese who know what the residents in the surrounding area want/need.
First established in 2002, this business has kept growing regardless of the COVID 19.
Variety of the imported Asian grocery items is impressive and abundant.
Two business owners work with six casual staffs 7 days/week.
It opens almost 12 hours every day.
The size of the shop is 400 m2.
Business owners are ready to retire.
Key points:
Size of shop: 400 m2
Lease currently month to month. The landlord is happy to sign a new lease with the new business
owner, i.e. 5 years + Option of 1 x 5 years.
Monthly rent is to be $4,200 including GST plus outgoings of $2,800/quarter.
Annual sales for 2022 financial year (up to end of May 2022): $1,467,000
Net profit (before tax) for 2022 financial year (up to end of May 2022): $177,500
Asking price: $298,000 + SAV ($40,000 estimate)
For further information about this business, please complete the Purchaser Registration and Confidentiality Agreement by clicking Forms/Business on www.forceonerealty.com: or
Please call Sunny on 0433 690 326
(The image used is for display purposes only, and does not reflect the business advertised for sale.)