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Bakery business for sale in Lalor

  • Bakery
  • Lalor VIC 3075
  • $75,000 (GST na)

Bakery/Cafe business for sale.

The asking price $75000 plus stock

40 years established Bakery business for sale.
Business highlights:
40 years established bakery/cafe business.
Offering a two-week trial
Offering training after the settlement.
Two casual bakers; can continue if needed.
Gross weekly sales approx. Between. $8,000 - $9000.
Rent only $923 per week plus GST and outgoings.
New Lease 5+5+5
Weekly delivery to a big retailer.
Written recipes for bakery products
The owner is retiring.
Shop size approx. 120 sqm
Toilet and shower
Cool room, Deck oven, canopies, dough mixers, Bread Machine, bread slicer, chest freezer, coffee machines, pie warmer, cash register
All chattels/equipment are included in the business price.
Present trading hours. The buyers can change the trading hours to suit.
Saturday 5:00 am to 3:00 pm
Sunday 6:00 am to 2:00 pm
Monday 6:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday 6:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday6:00 am to 5:00 pm
Thursday 6:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday 6:00 am to 5:00 pm

For details, please fill in the non-disclosure form here or email to admin at
Feel free to contact:
Haider Sajjad Business Broker
Mobile: 0417786111, Phone 1300 313 110
Email: admin at
The photo/image (s) used are for illustration purposes. The actual business/property and product image (s) may be different from the pictures on the website(s). Please note that the vendor or vendor's agent will not be held responsible for any error or incorrect descriptions whatsoever that appear in the advertisement. The purchaser / interested buyers / Lessee must do their research and verify the details with the selling agent or Vendor in writing before making any decision. Business Brokers Victoria, its Officers, or its associated entities shall not have any liability in contract, tort, or otherwise to any other person or company in respect of any loss or damage (including without limitation direct or consequential loss, financial loss, or loss of other contracts) arising out of the provision of advice or any inaccuracy or error or omission from any part of the information supplied by Business Brokers Victoria, its Officers, or its associated entities. The information contained or referred to on should not be regarded as rendering detailed consideration of relevant Legislation, Corporation laws, etc. unnecessary. Business Brokers Victoria, its Officers, or its associated entities are not engaged in the provision of Legal Services or Taxation Advice and any information is given on the basis that if such advice is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought by the reader before any action is taken.

Business Brokers Victoria
Business Brokers Victoria
Exchange Tower
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Haider Sajjad

Business Highlights

Business ID2018936870
Floor AreaAsk Business Broker
Last updated  29 Apr 2024
Map for Lalor VIC 3075
Map for Lalor VIC 3075Lalor VIC 3075
Business Brokers Victoria
Business Brokers Victoria
Exchange Tower
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Haider Sajjad

Business Highlights

Business ID2018936870
Floor AreaAsk Business Broker
Last updated  29 Apr 2024

Listed by

Haider Sajjad
Business Brokers Victoria

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