Located in the South East of South Australia the Bordertown Bakery is a long standing Business boasting a history dating back to 1905.
Bordertown Bakery bakes on site at its main location in Bordertown, and as well as running the retail outlet and Cafe the business supplies wholesale products to towns in the Tatiara, Limestone Coast and over the SA/VIC Border into Western Victoria. It supplies various sporting clubs, local town shows and events, local shops and supermarkets, Schools (including Bordertown Primary Schools lunch orders) and many others in Bordertown and surrounding towns.
Bordertown Bakery is popular for its quality and variety of pies and pasties along with a large line of general bakery goods including pastries, cakes, buns, vanilla slice, donuts and a variety of slices and Bakery products. The variety of food is not limited to Bakery lines but also Coffee, sandwiches, rolls, salad bowls, deep fried products and many varied products both in the retail shop and the Cafe which has seating for 24 + people.
Catering is also done by The Bordertown Bakery, which includes, Business Meetings and Conferences, Birthday Parties, Funerals and Functions in general, this is an area that could be expanded by the new owner.
Operating Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings and currently operating under Semi-Management so with only minimal change this Business could easily be run under full Management.
Call the Agent for a Confidential chat and further information.
RLA 153432