Broome Taxis and transport is being offered complete with a large workshop, maintenance building, storage facility and offices. The total land area is 6111m2 with the building taking up 720m2 of the site.
This enterprise comprises approximately 32 vehicles of various seating capacities, including large buses, commuter busses and taxis. Broome is going through a major tourism boom with the construction of a new floating pontoon landing facility to enable large cruise ships and contract vessels to allow large numbers of tourists to be unloaded and transported by coach and taxi into town. This facility will be completed around mid year. This facility will generate a large number of passengers being transported into town and back, generating tens of thousands of revenue for Broome Taxis and Transit.
This service would be one of the largest bus and taxi companies outside of the metropolitan area.
Full details area available by contacting Lasting Agent Peter Loughton: 0429 113 161