Current takings $7,500-$8,500 weekly
Huge potential for much higher takings
Ferntree Gully commercial / retail precinct
Trades 7 days (breakfast / lunch)
Established cafe
Operated by 2 owners part time & 4 Casuals staff
Coffee/Choc 20-25 Kg weekly
New lease on offer
Rental $1218 weekly plus outgoings
Setup cost in excess of $200k
Simply cannot be faulted
Includes full commercial kitchen
Seating for 24 in / 24 out
Potential to increase seating
Suitable for variety of food usage
Qualifies for Visa purchaser
Opportunity for chef, couple, or Barista as a first business
Inspection highly recommended
Asking priced at $30,000
Call Jimmy for further details
This business is exclusively listed with BPA Business Brokers
Our Ref: 7919