High profit Chinese Restaurant, well set up, large premises, no competition. Semi under management. With full liquor license.
* Great location
* No competition
* Large premises -- 158m2
* Taking $10,000p/w
* Low rent $1,000p/w
* 10 years long lease
* Selling price $50,000
* Open 6 nights only
* Very short trading hours
* 80 seating capacity
* With full liquor license
* Under semi under management
* Easy to run
* High profit
* Vendor is moving to Queensland Keen to sell
For more information on property #4901854, please call or email:
Francis Pham on 0414 697 989
or email: francis@ncre.com.au
Josh Zhang on 0431 150 358
or email: josh@ncre.com.au
New Century Business Broker
26 Rutland Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Tel: 03 9898 2874