This Day Spa is the best on the coast. Presentation, location, setup, staff, are just a few of the reasons this is the best.
7 Treatment rooms all setup immaculately
In operation on the coast for 10 years and 3 years in the current location
9 staff with a manager in place that allow the business to be managed if needed
Owner only works 21 hours when she wants
The business has all the policies and procedures in place with a full database of customers and their experiences and needs
No special licenses or requirements to operate by owner. Fully trained long term staff in place
All fixtures and fitting are of the highest standards and present as new.
Owner is willing to offer 2-3 weeks training for incoming owner
This business has many services that can only be obtained in this location in the Bay.
Best business in the Bay for all things beauty and skin related services.
Incredible opportunity, book your inspection or make an enquiry and call Vicki
Ph 0466 555 249