An outstanding fish and chips shop located in the vibrant area of Cheltenham. Busy main road location with lots of foot traffic flow. Same owner for 11 years with a fantastic reputation and many loyal customers. Great price to sell, contact us today for further information as this opportunity will not last long.
* Great busy location in Cheltenham with easy parking
* Taking $6,000p/w
* Reasonable rent
* 12 years new lease
* Asking price $45,000
* Easy to run business
* Same owner for 11 years, very stable
* Vendor keen to sell
For more information on property 1P10021, please call or email:
Tony Tang on 0422 161 421
or email:
New Century Business Broker
26 Rutland Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Tel: 03 9898 2874
****Sales Rep required**** For further information please contact us at office: