With a $300k+ annual turnover, this is a unique opportunity for anyone looking to take advantage of owning an established and reputable floor coverings business with existing long term relationships with suppliers. Currently working out of Ballarat with potential to move business operations to a new desired location across Melbourne, this business has ample opportunity for growth and expansion. The business comes with a list of suppliers who are happy to continue to provide work.
About the Business
ABBASS Business Brokers presents a 15+ year reputable and trusted Australian floor coverings business, on the market for the first time. The business presents exceptional value and a great opportunity to further grow and expand this brand.
The key features
Long history and existing supplier list
Opportunity & resources available to expand into other areas
15+ years of reputation in the industry
Very low overheads
The financials
$300k+ turnover
Cheap lease of $630 per week
Flexible lease terms available
All tools, machinery and vehicles are included in the sale price
Owner is facing a regrettable sale due to retirement.
Please contact Sadeq for further information or to arrange an inspection:
Sadeq Abbass
0433 525 731