This business services the Wide Bay Burnet area of:
Bundaberg, Hervey Bay, Childers, Woodgate, Burrum Heads, Howard, Gladstone and Maryborough. This Business is one of the leading Ice suppliers throughout the Bundaberg area. This locally owned business specialises in producing a range of different party and storage needs perfect for all occasions and business needs. Whether you are after a cooler summer, a regular supply for your business or large blocks for special occasions, the Business provides quality-grade product to suit all your needs.It has not been available to purchase for many years so be quick not to miss out.
Over $1.3 million
Net Profit
$466,379 not including the internal rent charge
This is a real growth area plus agents elsewhere looking after customers for you a financial planner will be required to look after your newfound success.
Fully staffed so a good solid sense for business.
Monday to Friday 7 am to 5 pm
Saturday 7 am to Noon (owner only)
Wide Bay Burnett region and further through distributors.
Five plus a part-time admin person
Reason for Sale
Long Term owner ready for a change
About the Business
This business is one of the leading suppliers of this product which is produced on site throughout the Bundaberg area. This locally owned business specialises in producing a full range of Ice products from Bags, big and small, to blocks and everything in between for different needs, perfect for all occasions.
Whether you are after staying cool for summer, a regular supply of the product for your business or large items for special occasions, they provide quality food grade Ice products to suit all your needs.
This business has all the industry-leading equipment and machinery to ensure customers get all the products they need, on time and for a competitive price.
They supply wholesale, retail, and one-off deliveries.
They service Bundaberg, Hervey Bay and surrounding suburbs. They will also deliver supplies from Agnes Water through to Tiaro.
Been around for almost a half-century
Sale Price
$3,660,000 including freehold stock plant and equipment