Restaurant business for sale in Bentleigh
- Restaurant
- Bentleigh VIC 3204
- $55,000 (GST na)
Fully Licence Restaurant for sale
Urgent Sale: Walk In, Walk Out - Chattel Sale.
Fully Licence Restaurant, Bentleigh area. Sitting capacity approx.137 patrons. Big shop and commercial kitchen with cool room.
Fully licensed Restaurant is available for sale in Bentleigh area. The vendor is looking to sell urgently due to an emergency overseas. Currently operating as a Mexican franchise restaurant, the business can easily be converted to any other cuisine.
Business Details:
Commercial kitchen and cool room
Fully functioning Restaurant.
Shop setup cost: approximately $275,000
Weekly sales approximately $6,000 - $7,000
Liquor license for 137 patrons
Shop size: 190 sqm
Base rent: $1,296 plus GST and outgoings
Lease term: approximately 7 years (3 years commenced in June 2023, with a further option for 5 years)
Present Security bond equal to three months of rent plus GST
For details, please fill out the non-disclosure form at this link
Feel free to contact Darren - Senior Consultant 0401472907
Email: admin at
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Business Highlights
Business ID | 2019599465 |
Floor Area | Ask Business Broker |
Category | |
Last updated | 29 Dec 2024 |
Business Highlights
Business ID | 2019599465 |
Floor Area | Ask Business Broker |
Category | |
Last updated | 29 Dec 2024 |