The first multi-modality, holistic wellness centre of its kind on the Gold Coast.
Home to multiple modalities for physical health, mental health and emotional well-being support.
* Multiple modalities including: Massage, Naturopathy, Psychology, Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology and more!
* State-of-the art, spacious floatation pods in private rooms
* Perfect location with plenty of parking available
* Potential space for fitness classes/workshops
* On-going memberships and huge database of clients upwards of 20K on database
* Zoned as medical with the potential to add medical modalities that complement the business
Price on Application - refer to brokers
A Confidentiality Agreement must be completed before further information will be disclosed. Please complete an online confidentiality agreement at https://linkbusiness.com.au/GC00899 and click on the ENQUIRENOW button. For full details contact Graham Tippett or Fatima Zanoria
REF: GC00899
Ref: GC00899
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