Transport, Distribution & Storage business for sale in Brisbane City
- Transport, Distribution & Storage
- Brisbane City QLD 4000
- $690,000 (GST na)
Heavy Vehicle Driver Training Rto For Sale In Queensland $690,000
Exceptionally well set-up and established heavy vehicle driving RTO business is for sale for the 1st time.
This excellent Registered Training Organisation (RTO) offers accredited training to students/ truck drivers on the Sunshine Coast.
With little to no competition this business has been doing exceptionally well and that is reflected in its financials.
The business comes complete with a big list of assets and years of good will ensuring that any purchaser is well secure for years to come.
There is a shortage of qualified truck drivers in Australia, positioning this RTO for fruitful years to come as the shortage requires drivers to get trained/ accredited.
A shortage of drivers that has been "an ever-increasing problem for some years",
"It doesn't matter which state you're in, what industry you're working in, the shortages are right across the board,"
According to Queensland Trucking Association chief executive Gary Mahon.
This business has a fleet of vehicles giving you the added bonus of learning to drive on different rigs.
They offer a personalised one-on-one training experience that gives the driver the confidence and skills so they can take in the world of truck driving, opening doors into great new career opportunities.
They work with all Sunshine Coast Queensland Transport licensing centres.
This RTO prides itself on results and produces high quality driver training solutions, using their comprehensive training methods.
Their Heavy Vehicle Driving School Courses cater for all clients, based on any previous levels of experience.
All of their courses are open to those of any skill level and experience as long as they meet the entry requirements.
Australian and international students are constantly seeking to improve their professional standing by gaining Nationally Recognised qualifications.
Scope of Registration:
Medium rigid truck or bus driver training (synchromesh gearbox)
Heavy rigid truck or bus driver training (synchromesh gearbox) Or (Roadranger gearbox)
Heavy combination truck driver training
Multi combination truck driver training (tlic 4006 drive multi-combination vehicle) (roadranger gearbox upgrades available)
The business comes complete with everything you would expect including, but not limited to:-
Long Established ASQA registration
Re-registration 2025
Long established owner/operator
Flexible lease arrangements.
Extensive list of assets (vehicles), equipment included in the sale
Student Management System
Training resources (trainer and learner) that support current qualifications
Policies, procedures, Training and Assessment Strategies
Vendor will conduct a full induction and handover
Asking price: $690,000 including assets/ equipment
Prompt confidential discussions with LKBB must come highly recommended.
For that confidential discussion please contact Lev Khazhiner on 0411 705 913.
LKBB are specialists RTO business brokers and are highly experienced in RTO Sales, Acquisitions and Mergers. We pride ourselves on providing honest appraisals and achieving great results for our valued clients. Lev Khazhiner is a specialist RTO business broker with over 15 years of business sales experience. Lev understands the mechanics of RTO sales and regulatory processes. If you're looking to buy or sell your RTO/ education business please contact Lev for a confidential friendly chat.
Business Highlights
Business ID | 2018326705 |
Floor Area | Ask Business Broker |
Category | |
Last updated |
Business Highlights
Business ID | 2018326705 |
Floor Area | Ask Business Broker |
Category | |
Last updated |