Nicely settled, well located and loaded with work.
Hervey Bay Glass Glazing and Screens has been serving the Fraser Coast since 1991. The region and business have grown together and continue to grow.
The business is well located and highly visible in the central industrial estate. The leased premises have expanded over the years to now occupy several sheds on site.
80% of the business is from the burgeoning retail sector with high margin work in the space of
Wardrobe doors
Shower screens
Replacement glass
Amplimesh screens
There is a good mix of work from both new and repeat clients due to renovations and repairs. Kids still hit cricket balls through windows just like when I did when I was a youngster.
Being a licenced Amplimesh dealer provides nearly 50% of the revenue meaning there is a good spread of revenue across glass and screens.
All stock, machinery and three vehicles are included in the sale so you can easily continue the good work.
You will either need or be able to apply for a QBCC licence as the business deals with jobs above the $3,500 threshold.
This long established business is easy to run so you can look forward to continued growth over the coming years. Full handover training will be provided to ensure a buyer transitions successfully.
Cash and bank budget approved buyers are invited to contact Peter Bender, the exclusive agent at Bundaberg Commercial, for a business profile.
The information contained herein has been obtained directly from the seller and other sources but cannot be guaranteed as accurate. Clients are advised to verify any information through normal due diligence.