$2.9 Mil on hand/WIP. $22 Mil short listed for 2025. Avg EBITDA $1mil. Design & construct Co utilizing unique licensed patented technology to meet client special preferences in Industrial Buildings
Operates a systematic pipeline with systems and processes that deliver constant and predictable income. Income for 2025 already building with contracts in place and the company on the short list for more
Work cash flow positive.
Design, Engineering Construct and Project Management staff engaged.
Consistently high profit to income ratio.
2024 Financial Performance:
Income $4,000,000
EBITDA $960,000
2025 YTD;
Income $4,980,000
EBITDA YTD $995,000.
The Company operates in a sub-segment of the large industrial building market meeting particular requirements of customers in that sub-segment. It is a high-quality operation based in the high growth area of Southeast Queensland (Olympics in 2032) and has delivered its specialised work nationally.
Confidentiality applies.