Description: Best property in town. Prosperous rural centre. All single level units. Very well maintained. High quality inspection. New to market. A must for serious buyers.
Star Standard: 3.5 star.
Construction: 26 units. Single storey brick construction with tile and corrugated iron roof and brick wall partitions. Solid and attractive presentation. Variation of unit sizes with good quality appointments.
Residence: 3 bedroom with built-ins, lounge, dining, bath/toilet, large family residence above reception.
Clientele: Strong corp and rep trade, agricultural and equine business. Passing and tourist trade.
Land Area: 1,189m2 approx.
Tariffs: From $142 average daily rate
Chain Affiliation: No
Laundry: Full commercial equipment. All linen owned and laundered on site. 2 plus changes in very good condition.
Restaurant: 40 seat with licensed bar (Thai Restaurant sub-leased)
Services: Room service, very popular licenced bar, reverse cycle air conditioning, microwave ovens, gas BBQ, Wi-fi, on-site parking, fire rated.
Lease: 27 years to 2051
Rent: $178,800 Per Annum
Turnover: 24/25 $574,318 (8 months); 23/24 $840,777
Comment: Busy, very popular motel in wealthy town surrounded by large Horse Studs and varied rural production. Quality Inspection.
MQ Property ID:
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