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157 Cafe & Coffee Shop Businesses for Sale in Melbourne City Council - Greater Area, VIC
Results 1 to 20 of 157
- NewMichael T
Price $199,000 (GST na) Address North Melbourne VIC 3051
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - NewTim Erguder
Price $198,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Serge Tsundra
Price $180,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Mino Stronghilis, Office Admin
Price $388,000 (GST na) Address Ms 8033 Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Tim Erguder
Price $129,000 (GST na) Address Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Nick Manos, Jimi Manos
Price $390,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Haider Sajjad
Price $195,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Jamie Hettiarachchi
Price $320,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Haider Sajjad
Price $210,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Jem Turemis
Price $550,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - John Murnane
Price Offers Invited Address South Yarra VIC 3141
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Grita Angelucci
Price $98,000 Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Sadeq Abbass, Asif Ahammed, Nick Gardner
Price $59,000 (GST na) Address North Melbourne VIC 3051
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Simon Sheridan
Price $600,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Gerry Morelli
Price $159,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality Well-Established LePain Quotidien Franchise For Sale - Globally Recognised Brand - Training and Support - Proven Business Model - High Growth Potential
JBSPrice $650-800 K + GST Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Brian Tian
Price $89,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne City Council - Greater Area VIC
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Mino Stronghilis, Office Admin
Price $650,000 + Stock Address Ms 8036 Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Jimi Manos, Nick Manos
Price $1,100,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality - Tim Erguder
Price $598,000 (GST na) Address Melbourne VIC 3000
Property Type Food, Beverage & Hospitality