Business Overview
This business has three parts.. all very appealing. FREEHOLD PROPERTY, A MANUFACTURING BUSINSS and RETAIL SALES. All easy to run, and all offering a great lifestyle and profits exceeding $350,000 a year.
Business, House, Factory all in one proven package.
Business Snapshot:
Revenue: $1,160,000
Profit: $366,103
Stock Value: $300,000
Earning Type: PEBITDA
Easy to run don't think that cheese manufacturing is difficult.. it is simple
Freehold security
Consistent cash income and profits
Substantial tangible assets underpin the value
Sounds "cheesey" but you have to see this business to fully appreciate the great lifestyle that it provides
FOR SALE: $2,300,000 + SAV
Contact the exclusive broker:
Sam Pask
Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations
M: 0410 305 466
T: 1300 366 521
If you'd like to know more about this business, go to our website and use the reference: bus5430 to search for the business.
Please ensure you have the necessary capital before expressing an interest in this business.
The image shown is for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the business.
Benchmark Business Sales and Valuations